It's still possible to reach that area and recover your dropped gold, but you have to go around a longer way through a bunch of lesser demons. If you die while fighting a fairly tough demon, there's a wall blocking your way back to that area when you come back. This happens in the cave area during the Hellforge quest. Some of those hidden rooms contain chests, but they don't seem to have better contents than any other chest. This only seems to happen in corridors and caves during quests which had been eliminated from the original D1. I'm looking for a screenshot for one of those new recipe types as well. I also recently discovered in Hell on Nightmare difficulty that there are more advanced recipes which I had already guessed - but they don't look like color-changed scrolls. Library Tomes I've found that library tomes the ones on the skull-stands are sometimes recipes, rather than scrolls or books. Like the standard bookshelves, they always hold one spellbook. They can appear in rooms which also have a standard bookshelf. They can appear next to east and south walls, as well as north and west ones unlike standard bookshelves. They are shorter and look more broken-down. So for the meantime, I'm going to put updates here in comments, rather than editing the post itself.īookshelves There is a second type of bookshelf which was not used in the original Diablo 1. And paragraph spacing gets knocked all to hell. Font types and sizes change randomly when I try to edit this post.